Leaving academia does not make you a failure; it should be the best decision you ever make and the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your life
"I have moved cities twice, leaving friends and family behind to chase the dream of academic success"
"The constant pressure, even post tenure, gets to me. I work every weekend and holiday."
"I'm building a habit of applying for non-academic jobs and I'm on a 21-day streak"
It took me two years to drop the academic mindset and adopt a more flexible one where I can add value to different domains. UnstuckPhD exists to make sure you don't need to consume such a long time buried in self-doubt
Partner up with a peer that is going through the same experience; get support when you are faltering, and post your wins! Peer support (and pressure) helps you realize whether you are making progress towards your outcome: leaving academia and getting a better life-defining setting (job or project you love)
With all those paper deadlines, you probably have no time to read and work on your self-development. Yet you understand it's necessary to manage the identity change that will break you free of the current loop: push for yet another grant, without really working on what makes you happy
Do you feel that someone else has a strong say on how you live your life? Would you like to feel more agency on life-changing decisions like where you live, what you work on, and for how long?
The community grows through events; once we meet you on videoconference you will get invited to the forum/chat software.
We do this so that we have real people who are motivated to change and help each other